90s Garage Tools Vol.1 WAV-DECiBEL

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90 年代 Garage 工具 Jeremy 个人声音收藏的精彩收藏是从他的旧 Akai S3000XL 采样 […]



90 年代 Garage 工具 Jeremy 个人声音收藏的精彩收藏是从他的旧 Akai S3000XL 采样器转换而来的,他用来创建他的庞大曲目目录,这些曲目源于 90 年代初首次构思 UK Garage 时。这个独家包确实非常特别,包含鼓声、鼓循环、鼓组、速度车库鼓构造鼓组、Old Skool 和弦一击、Nu Skool 和弦一击、贝斯、Fx、人声、命中、刺、故障等多得多。 90 年代 Garage Tools 是 Jeremy Sylvester 的系列包中的第一个,该包将全年仅在 Loop Wax 上推出。如果您正在寻找“原始”的地下声音来为您的作品注入活力,那么这个包是为您准备的“上面有你的名字”。从该类型的先驱之一那里获得英国车库/房屋的真实地下声音。
90s Garage Tools An awesome collection of Jeremy’s personal sound collection converted from his old Akai S3000XL sampler he used to create his vast catalogue of tracks stemming back from the early nineties when UK Garage was first conceived. This exclusive pack is very special indeed, containing drum sounds, drum loops, drum kits, speed garage drum construction drum kits, Old Skool chord one shots, Nu Skool chord one shots, bass, Fx, vocals, hits, stabs, glitches and so much more. 90s Garage Tools is the first of a series of packs by Jeremy Sylvester due to come out exclusively on Loop Wax throughout the year. If you are looking for ‘RAW’ underground sounds to inject life into your productions, then this pack is meant for you ‘WITH YOUR NAME ON IT’. Get the REAL underground sound of UK garage/house from one of the pioneers of the genre.
