90s Garage Tools Vol.2 WAV MiDi-DECiBEL

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90s Garage Tools Vol.2 这个非常受欢迎的样本包系列的第二部分,专门关注 90 年代 Ga […]



90s Garage Tools Vol.2 这个非常受欢迎的样本包系列的第二部分,专门关注 90 年代 Garage & House 音乐制作,由现场最大的制作人和先驱之一 Jeremy Sylvester 创作,他以与传奇唱片公司的合作而闻名例如 Nice n Ripe Records、Azuli Records + 许多其他。这个非常独特的样本包包含创建爆炸性 90 年代风格 Garage & House 凹槽所需的所有元素,并包含鼓循环、one shot、人声钩子、和弦即兴演奏、FX、钹、底鼓、军鼓、拍手、嗨帽和打击乐。 24 位 WAV 格式,可在所有 DAW 中轻松使用。包中的所有循环都设置为 126 BPM,并包含一些 MIDI 文件。如果您正在寻找“真正的地下之声”,那就看看这个“坏小子”吧。创建专业的 90 年代风格车库/房屋生产所需的所有元素,并带有清晰的现代边缘。
90s Garage Tools Vol.2 the second instalment of this very sought after sample pack series specifically focusing on 90s Garage & House music production, created by one of the biggest producers and pioneers on the scene Jeremy Sylvester, famed for his work with legendary record labels such as Nice n Ripe Records, Azuli Records + many others. This very exclusive sample pack contains all the elements needed to create explosive 90s style Garage & House grooves and contains drum loops, ones shots, vocal hooks, chord riffs, FX, cymbals, kicks, snares, claps, hi hats and percussion all in glorious 24 bit WAV format for easy use within all DAW’s. All loops within the pack are set to 126 BPM and includes some MIDI files. If you’re looking for the “REAL UNDERGROUND SOUND’, then look no further than this ‘badboy’. All the elements you need to create professional 90s style garage/house production with a crisp modern edge to it.
