40 Resampled Breaks 是一个非常多才多艺的集合,其中包含一些我们曾经奠定了我们时代的最野蛮处理的鼓点样本。这个独特的系列取材于一系列失传已久的复古 break beat,并扭曲到他们生命的一英寸之内,保证增加一种野蛮感和氛围,与您的流派或风格无关。
40 Resampled Breaks is an incredibly versatile collection of some of the most savagely processed drum break samples we’ve ever laid our eras on. Sourced from a collection of long lost vintage break beats and twisted to within an inch of their life, this unique collection guarantees to add a sense of brutality and vibe, irrelevant of your genre or style.