午夜钢琴 Midnight Grand

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我们的旗舰钢琴。令人惊叹的施坦威音乐会三角钢琴,采用棉层制成,营造出优美的电影色调。充满细微差别和个性,真正鼓 […]



我们的旗舰钢琴。令人惊叹的施坦威音乐会三角钢琴,采用棉层制成,营造出优美的电影色调。充满细微差别和个性,真正鼓舞人心的演奏。设计时考虑了现代电影和电视作曲家。 Midnight Grand 是一款令人惊叹的音乐会三角钢琴,在音乐厅中专业录制,琴槌和琴弦之间夹有一层棉布,营造出细腻的电影音色。这不仅仅是“另一台采样的施坦威”——它是一款精心制作的虚拟钢琴,充满细微差别和个性,非常适合亲密的戏剧和丰富的电影段落。与我们所有的产品一样,Midnight Grand 的开发考虑了易用性,因此您可以直接进入并开始创作音乐。我们有信心它将成为许多作曲家样本收藏的主要内容。
Our flagship piano. A stunning Steinway concert grand, prepared with a layer of cotton for a beautiful cinematic tone. Full of nuance and character, and truly inspiring to play. Designed with the modern film and TV composer in mind. Midnight Grand is a stunning concert grand piano, expertly recorded in a concert hall with a layer of cotton between the hammers and strings, to create a delicate, cinematic tone. This is not ‘just another sampled Steinway’ – it is a carefully crafted virtual piano full of nuance and character, perfect for intimate drama and rich cinematic passages alike. As with all our products, Midnight Grand was developed with ease of use in mind, so you can jump straight in and start writing music. We are confident it will become a staple in many composers’ sample collections.
