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<b>Surfing on Waves</b> 大而大胆的低音线到超级尖峰序列和琶音、 […]



<b>Surfing on Waves</b> 大而大胆的低音线到超级尖峰序列和琶音、电影音景、无人机 – 与迄今为止最先进的乐器相遇:Wavesynth,一款用于 Kontakt 6 的强大波形整形器。充满了合成器传奇和勇敢新的声音等着你来创造一些独特的东西。 <b>Zzzz。 Grr。繁荣。嗖。</b> Wavesynth 几乎和模拟合成器一样灵活:你有很多可能性来塑造、扭曲、踩踏你的声音。凭借 60 多个参数(所有 MIDI 可学习)和直观的界面设计和 Roll(我们内置的智能随机发生器),您可以在几秒钟内疯狂并创建新的鼓舞人心的补丁。 <b>包括两种不同的口味……</b> 您有两个开箱即用的玩具:Classic Essential Sound Pack 是复古浪潮爱好者的一个温暖的拥抱,而 VHS Cinema Sound Pack 则完全包含有用的补丁电影作曲家,电子音乐家。你有实验的心情吗?打开 Wavetable Starter Kit 并从头开始构建您自己的声音。
Surfing on Waves Big, bold basslines to super peaky sequences and arps, cinematic soundscapes, drones – mee most advanced instrument so far: Wavesynth, a powerful waveshaper instrument for Kontakt 6. Fully packed with synth legends and brave new sounds waiting for you to create something unique. Zzzz. Grr. Boom. Whoosh. Wavesynth is almost as flexible as an analog synth: you have plenty of possibilities to shape, twist, stomp your sounds. With over 60 parameters (all MIDI-learnable) and an intuitive interface design and Roll (our built-in intelligent randomizer), you can go wild and create new inspiring patches in seconds. Including two different flavors… You have two toys to play with right out of the box: Classic Essential Sound Pack is a big warm hug for retrowave lovers while the VHS Cinema Sound Pack is fully packed with useful patches for film composers, electronic musicians. Are you in an experimental mood? Open Wavetable Starter Kit and start to build your own sounds from scratch.
