Opacity II 是电影吉他和专业六弦演奏的精品系列,适用于电影、电视、声音设计、纪录片、游戏、电影预告片、广告以及当代电影和环境音乐。该库提供了无限多样和富有表现力的可深度操作的吉他声音。从优美而丰富的氛围,到打击乐节奏、优美的和声、主音、乐句、序列循环、合奏和闪烁的延伸氛围。由位于华盛顿特区的二人组 Terre Grande 创作和表演,专注于史诗般的电影音乐,并实现了从黎明最安静的时刻到巨大瀑布的碰撞响度的独特声音混合。 Terre Grande 与 Audiomodern 合作,提供了一种独特的虚拟乐器,它反映了我们周围令人惊叹的地球。捕捉到的独特演奏风格展示了电吉他的自然美,具有打击乐节奏、优美的乐句、主音、锤击、合奏和质感氛围。
Opacity II is a boutique collection of Cinematic Guitar and professional six string performances that will work across Film, TV, Sound Design, Documentaries, Games, Film Trailers, Commercials and Contemporary Cinematic and Ambient music. The library provides deeply manipulable guitar sounds that are endlessly diverse and expressive. From nice & rich atmospheres, to percussive rhythms, beautiful harmonics, lead licks, phrases, sequence loops, ensembles, and shimmering stretched out atmospheres. Created and performed by the Washington DC based duo Terre Grande, specializing on epic cinematic music and achieving a unique blend of sounds from the quietest moments of dawn, to the clashing loudness of a huge waterfall. Terre Grande partner with Audiomodern to deliver a unique virtual instrument that is reflective of the amazing earth surrounding us. The unique playing style captured showcases the Electric guitar in its natural beauty, featuring percussive rhythms, beautiful phrases, lead licks, hammer hits, ensembles, and textured atmospheres.