工业氛围音源 Frendo v2.0 KONTAKT

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钢板和螺栓、镀锌钢管和木板。本来是要受苦的。你可以用螺丝刀、弓、鼓槌、木槌和手指以可怕的方式虐待它。该乐器拥有 […]



钢板和螺栓、镀锌钢管和木板。本来是要受苦的。你可以用螺丝刀、弓、鼓槌、木槌和手指以可怕的方式虐待它。该乐器拥有大量超凡脱俗的声音,非常适合作曲家为他们的乐谱寻找新的令人不安的、恐怖的纹理。 Frendo 部分是木槌乐器,用木槌和橡胶木槌录制,但也是一种更传统的弦乐器,因为我们录制了手指弹拨和弓弦。这是撒旦的大提琴的声音,为你燃烧的灵魂轻声哭泣。
Steel plates and bolts, over galvanized steel piping and across wood planks. It was meant to suffer. You can help by mistreating it in horrible ways with screwdrivers, bows, drum sticks, mallets and fingers. The instrument holds a vast amount of otherworldly sounds, which is ideal for composers looking for new disturbing, horror-like textures for their scores. Frendo is partially a mallet instrument, recorded with wooden and rubber mallets, but is also a more traditional string instrument, since we recorded finger plucks and bows. It’s the sound of Satan’s cello, weeping softly for your burning soul.
