潜入混洗节拍、有机打击乐、喜怒无常的氛围、切分的人声循环和脉动的贝斯线的世界。 Garage Sessions Vol.2 包含超过 680 mb 的 24 位 WAV 格式的灵感。所有的循环都是 130BPM、135BPM 和 140BPM,而旋律循环是键标记的。 在这个庞大的样本库中,您可以期待找到智能组织的子文件夹,包括瘀伤的低音循环、尖端的 2step 凹槽、粗砂和有机鼓点以及录音气氛、合成器和尘土飞扬的人声。所有循环和一个镜头都是 24 位质量,组织整齐,键标有按速度排序的所有循环,可以在打开 DAW 时拖放和享受。 100% 免版税!
Dive into the world of shuffling beats, organic percussion, moody atmospheres, sliced vocal loops and pulsating basslines. Garage Sessions Vol.2 contains more than 680 mb of inspiration in 24-bit WAV format. All loops are at 130BPM, 135BPM and 140BPM, while melodic loops are key labelled. Inside this massive sample library you can expect to find intelligently organized sub folders, including bruising bass loops, cutting-edge 2step grooves, grit and organic drum hits as well as taped out atmospheres, synths and dusty vocals. All loops and one shots are in 24 bit quality, neatly organised, key labeled with all loops sorted by tempo, ready to be dragged, dropped and enjoyed upon opening your DAW. 100% royalty free!