Garage Sessions Vol.1 WAV

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令人难忘的氛围、滚动贝斯、黑暗合成器和摇摆鼓循环的独家收藏。 Garage Sessions Vol.1 是一 […]



令人难忘的氛围、滚动贝斯、黑暗合成器和摇摆鼓循环的独家收藏。 Garage Sessions Vol.1 是一个免版税的鼓舞人心的制作工具库,具有独特的 Future Garage 风格。在这个一流的样本库中,您可以期望找到智能组织的子文件夹,包括黑暗和饱和的低音循环、随机鼓部分、杀手鼓击打以及纹理氛围和深沉和尘土飞扬的合成器循环。在 130 – 140 BPM 的速度下,这个样本集非常适合像 Garage、Future Garage、Dubstep、House 和 Downtempo 这样的流派。
Exclusive collection of haunting atmospheres, rolling basses, dark synths and swung drum loops. Garage Sessions Vol.1 is a royalty free arsenal of inspiring production tools set with a distinctive Future Garage flavour. Inside this top-notch sample library you can expect to find intelligently organized sub folders, including dark and saturated bass loops, shuffled drum section, killer drum hits as well as textured atmospheres and deep and dusty synth loops. At tempos from 130 – 140 BPM, this sample collection is ideally suited for genres like Garage, Future Garage, Dubstep, House and Downtempo.
