Cinematic Strings Vol.2 MULTiFORMAT

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“Cinematic Strings Vol 2”为您带来 10 个新的构建套件,其中包含管弦乐循环,适用于从 […]



“Cinematic Strings Vol 2”为您带来 10 个新的构建套件,其中包含管弦乐循环,适用于从电影配乐到游戏音轨等的所有内容。您会发现 71 个 ACID WAV 和 REX 循环以及一系列鼓循环。无论您是在写 Ambient、Pop、Trance 还是其他任何“Cinematic Strings Vol 2”,都一定会激发灵感。对于要求终极控制的制作人,您需要 MIDI 循环,您可以在这里找到!使用提供的 MIDI 文件,您可以将此包中的任何乐句分配给您最喜欢的合成器或采样器,并将它们与预渲染循环无缝集成。
‘Cinematic Strings Vol 2’ brings you 10 new Construction Kits featuring Orchestral loops suitable for everything from film scores to game sound-tracks and more. You’ll find 71 ACID WAV and REX loops as well as a selection of drum loops. Whether you’re writing Ambient, Pop, Trance or anything else ‘Cinematic Strings Vol 2’ is sure to inspire. For producers demanding ultimate control you need MIDI loops and you’ll them find here! Using the supplied MIDI files you can assign any of the musical phrases found in this pack to your favourite synth or sampler, and integrate them seamlessly with the pre-rendered loops.
