Big Room House Ableton Project ALP

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谁在等待新项目?因为我们有一个全新的,我们认为你会完全喜欢它!稍作休息后,我们又带着新的有趣的东西回来了。这次 […]



谁在等待新项目?因为我们有一个全新的,我们认为你会完全喜欢它!稍作休息后,我们又带着新的有趣的东西回来了。这次我们重现了真实的大房间声音,明日世界的声音,欣快的声音,主流 EDM 音乐的声音。高音主音、三连音贝斯线、渐进律动和梦幻旋律,打开我们的最新作品,您会发现这些。我们希望您会喜欢它。
Who was waiting for a new project? Because we have a brand new one and we think that you will totally love it! After a little break we are back again with something new and interesting. This time we recreated the actual big room sound, the sound of Tomorrowland, the sound of euphoria, the sound of mainstream EDM music. Pitched leads, triplet bassline, progressive groove and dreamy melodies, that is what you will find by opening our latest work. We hope you will enjoy it.
