阿兹特克之声音源 Voices of the aztecs

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CELLO UNTAMED 是一个大提琴独奏库,其理念是样本听起来应该像一场表演。乐器的核心是我们独特的即兴演 […]



CELLO UNTAMED 是一个大提琴独奏库,其理念是样本听起来应该像一场表演。乐器的核心是我们独特的即兴演奏;一系列情绪化的、不断变化的和即兴的音符。这听起来像是一位音乐家将您的作品添加到个人方向和人类表演中。我们以 3 种不同的强度记录了三个八度音阶上的每一个音符,每层有两种变化,为您提供 222 种完全独特的演奏。最安静的层次是微妙而细腻的,中等层次带来更多的情感和个性,而最响亮的层次听起来狂野、激烈且经常是混乱的。它们单独作为单独的音符听起来很美,或者在和弦进行时更加引人注目。  CELLO UNTAMED 包含 9 种其他标准和扩展发音,都以相同的理念演奏,是一个 Kontakt 库,供作曲家使用,希望在他们的乐谱中添加原始、人性和深情的元素。
CELLO UNTAMED is a solo cello library with the idea that samples should sound like a performance. At the heart of the instrument is our unique Improvised articulation; a series of emotional, evolving and improvised notes. This sounds like a musician taking your composition and adding an individual direction and human performance. We recorded every single note over three octaves at 3 different intensities with two variations for each layer, giving you 222 totally unique performances. The quietest layer is subtle and delicate, the medium layer brings more emotion and character, whilst the loudest layer sounds wild, intense and often chaotic. They sound beautiful alone as individual notes or even more compelling when played as chord progressions.  With 9 other standard and extended articulations included, all performed with the same philosophy, CELLO UNTAMED is a Kontakt library for the composer that wants to add a raw, human and soulful element to their scores.
