没有什么比 1973 年的手提箱更能体现电钢琴的发展了:键盘、放大器和扬声器的杀手级套件。为了重现这部深受喜爱的电钢琴经典作品,我们从高处和低处寻找顶级原件。我们发现了一个宏伟的 1973 年手提箱,它花了数周时间进行艰苦的专业修复。回到巅峰状态后,我们开始详细录音,以捕捉原始声音的每一个细微差别。 Electric S 提供几乎无限的定制选项。即时操纵延音共振、键噪声、释音和反向采样,并在微调按钮时虚拟调整尖齿和拾音器之间的距离。在 FX 部分尝试经典电钢琴效果,例如颤音、合唱、放大器模拟、延迟和混响。或者将您的电声与声学相结合:除了记录 1973 Suitcase 的电输出信号外,还使用了广泛的麦克风设置来捕捉乐器的纯净、未改变的声学声音。给你两全其美。
Nothing embodies the evolution of the electric piano better than the 1973 Suitcase: a killer package of keyboard, amp and speakers. To recreate this much-loved electric piano classic we hunted high and low for a top-quality original. We unearthed a magnificent 1973 suitcase which spent weeks undergoing painstaking specialist restoration. Once back to peak condition we began detailed recording to capture every nuance of its original sound. Electric S offers almost limitless customisation options. Instantly manipulate sustain resonance, key noises, release, and reverse samples, and virtually adjust the distance between tines and pick-ups at the tweak of a button. Experiment with classic electric piano effects such as Tremolo, Chorus, Amp Simulation, Delay and Reverb in the FX section. Or blend your electric with acoustic: in addition to recording electrical output signals of the 1973 Suitcase, an extensive microphone set-up was used to capture the pure, unaltered acoustic sound of the instrument. Giving you the best of both.