儿童合唱团 Choir essentials kontakt

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强大的步进音序库,包含 100 多种独特且深度采样的各种金属、塑料、木材、民族鼓和定制鼓组乐器,为您提供理想的 […]



强大的步进音序库,包含 100 多种独特且深度采样的各种金属、塑料、木材、民族鼓和定制鼓组乐器,为您提供理想的声音来创建那些经典的街头打击乐律动。这个库远远超出了您的标准打击乐音序器,让您可以完全控制并允许您创建任何可以想象的节拍或律动。虽然这个库非常强大,但它的使用也很简单,具有创新和无缝的界面。无需花费大量时间从头开始绘制节拍;拥有超过 130 个独特的预设,您可以在几秒钟内拥有一个完全充实的打击乐部分!今天就开始吧。
Powerful step sequence library with over 100 unique and deeply-sampled instruments of various pieces of metal, plastic, wood, ethnic drums, and custom drum kits, giving you the ideal sounds to create those classic street percussion grooves. This library goes way beyond your standard percussion sequencer, giving you full control and allowing you to create any beat or groove imaginable. While this library is extremely powerful, it’s also simple to use with an innovative and seamless interface. No need to spend tons of time drawing in your beats from scratch; with over 130 unique presets you can have a fully fleshed-out percussion section in seconds! Get started today.
