放克吉他音源2 Funkyguitar2.0

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解构钢琴:这个名字就说明了一切。我们已经将钢琴拆解到音板上,并以多种不同的方式进行了研究:我们使用各种材料弹奏 […]



解构钢琴:这个名字就说明了一切。我们已经将钢琴拆解到音板上,并以多种不同的方式进行了研究:我们使用各种材料弹奏、敲击、敲击和破坏钢琴。我们使用了普通的钢琴锤、不同种类的木槌(如毡子或羊毛木槌)、螺丝、plecs、棍子、拇指甚至吸管,从乐器中发出新的鼓舞人心的谐波声音。钢琴补丁是基本的乐器。它提供三种不同的声音类别,总共有 11 种钢琴音色。通过拖动,您可以控制每个声音的音量。它使您可以组合和创建自己的乐器设置。除了起音和衰减??滑块外,该乐器还提供了一个按钮,可以随机化 11 种声音中每一种的音量,从而产生新的声音组合。该补丁还包括一个 FX 部分,您可以在其中选择混响、延迟、失真和 EQ。
Deconstructed Piano: the name explains itself. We have disassembled a piano to its soundboard and have worked on this in many different ways: we have played, hit, stroke and destructed the piano with a wide range of materials. We have used a regular piano hammer, different kinds of mallets such as a felt or a wollen ones, screws, plecs, sticks, thumbs and even straws to coax new inspirational harmonic sounds from the instrument. The piano patch is the basic instrument. It delivers three different sound categories with eleven piano sounds in total. By dragging, you can control the volume of each sound. It gives you the possibility to combine and create your own instrument setting. Besides an attack and decay slider, the instrument provides a button that randomizes the volume of each of the 11 sounds which results into new sound combinations. The patch also includes an FX section in which you are able to choose reverb, delay, distortion and an EQ.
