高频逼真合成器 NanoMod 9 Hats KONTAKT

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我们很自豪地介绍 MOJO 2:喇叭部分,这是我们迄今为止最大和最先进的乐器!在大获成功的 MOJO: Hor […]



我们很自豪地介绍 MOJO 2:喇叭部分,这是我们迄今为止最大和最先进的乐器!在大获成功的 MOJO: Horn Section 发行后,我们知道它的续集必须建立在第一卷已经先进的采样和可玩性之上。我们回到绘图板,完全重新设计了仪器,并记录了所有全新的样品。 MOJO 2 为流行、放克、爵士和大乐队号角提供了最灵活和创新的方法,在虚拟乐器中创建了一个非常简单但功能丰富的界面。经过一支才华横溢的团队多年的开发,我们很自豪地发布了十年来首屈一指的号角部分。
We are proud to present MOJO 2: Horn Section, our biggest and most advanced instrument to date! After the release of the hugely successful MOJO: Horn Section, we knew its sequel had to build upon the already advanced sampling and playability of the first volume. We went back to the drawing board, fully redesigned the instrument, and recorded all brand new samples. MOJO 2 delivers the most flexible and innovative approach to Pop, Funk, Jazz, and Big Band horns ever created in a virtual instrument with an incredibly simple but feature-packed interface. After years of development by an amazingly talented team, we’re proud to release the premier horn section of the decade.
