老式合成器音源 M10 I KONTAKT

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  在特立尼达和多巴哥丰富的音乐景观中,通常所说的节奏部分或“引擎室”是一组传统上伴随钢盘的打击乐器 […]




在特立尼达和多巴哥丰富的音乐景观中,通常所说的节奏部分或“引擎室”是一组传统上伴随钢盘的打击乐器,为整个乐队提供脉冲和节奏驱动。节奏部分的声音在听到时会唤起节日和庆祝的感觉,因为它在空气中充满了铁和金属的铿锵声,这是一种充满活力的交响乐。 Laventille Rhythm Section 被视为特立尼达首屈一指的引擎室,诞生于二十多年前的 Laventille 山丘,通过其乐器和节奏的创新,已经发展成为一个可以独立指挥表演的实体。每当他们表演时产生的振动简直是惊人的。
In Trinidad and Tobago’s rich musical landscape the rhythm section or ‘engine room’, as it is commonly referred to, is the group of percussion instruments that traditionally accompanied the steelpans, providing the pulse and rhythmic drive for the entire band. The sound of the rhythm section is one which when heard evokes feelings of festivity and celebrations as it fills the air with the clangs of iron and metal, an abrasive symphony of energy. Regarded as the premier engine room in Trinidad, the Laventille Rhythm Section born out of the hills of Laventille over two decades ago, has evolved through its instrumental and rhythmic innovations, into an entity which can command a performance all on its own. The vibrations which are created whenever they perform is nothing short of phenomenal.
