受 1970 年代后期传奇的 4 声部日本模拟合成器的启发,“J4”还包括一个极其全面的音序器。 “J4”具有 2 组不同的样本——一组录制的“DI”,带有 NEVE 风格的前置放大器/均衡器和 48khz/24 位的精品阀门混音器。第二组使用相同的方法,但也在 Studer A807 四分之一英寸卷到卷录音机上以 15ips 录制到全新的“旧库存”磁带上
Inspired by a legendary 4 voice Japanese analogue synthesizer from the late 1970s, ‘J4’ also includes an extremely comprehensive sequencer. ‘J4’ features 2 different sets of samples – one set recorded ‘DI’, with a NEVE style pre-amp/eq and boutique valve mixer at 48khz/24 bit. The second set uses the same method, but has also been recorded to brand new ‘old-stock’ tape at 15ips on a Studer A807 quarter inch reel-to-reel recorder