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毛绒3!市场上最流畅、最性感的 RnB 的悠久传统中期待已久的闪亮宝石终于来了,它不会让人失望。厚实的打击垫、 […]



毛绒3!市场上最流畅、最性感的 RnB 的悠久传统中期待已久的闪亮宝石终于来了,它不会让人失望。厚实的打击垫、琴弦和底座将为带有模拟复古氛围的任何音轨带来温暖,同时鼓和合成器采用新的学校技巧,让节拍流行起来,旋律飙升。这个经典的 RnB 库是您必须听到才能相信的黄金时代音色的必备品,并且热门制作人 Anthony Myers 知道如何带来它。 Plush 3 使 Plush 系列成为流畅性感的 RnB 的最终决定……
Plush 3! The long-awaited shining jewel in a long standing tradition of the smoothest, sexiest RnB on the market is finally here and it will not disappoint. Thick pads, strings and bases will warm up any track with that analog vintage vibe, alongside drums and synths that feature new school tricks to make the beats pop and the melodies soar. This classic RnB library is a must have for that golden era tone you have to hear to believe, and hit Producer Anthony Myers knows how to bring it. Plush 3 makes the Plush series the final word in smooth and sexy RnB…
