一个录制精美的角色钢琴,温暖的弦乐被一个海绵状的大拇指所抑制。当您以非常规的方式对传统钢琴进行多重采样时,Sponge Piano 会发生这种情况。这里的目的是创造一种新的钢琴音色。承载传统钢琴的重量、情感魅力和可演奏性的东西。但是发生了一些不同的事情。
A beautifully recorded character piano with the warm thump of strings deadened by a well-sponged thumb. Sponge Piano is what happens when you multi-sample a conventional piano in an unconventional way. The aim here is to create a new piano timbre. Something which carries the weight, emotional oomph and playability of a traditional piano. But with something a little different going on.