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AQUIVER 现在提供 1000 个强大、深沉和飙升的颗粒声音和大约 4GB 的权重。它由一个自定义颗粒引擎 […]



AQUIVER 现在提供 1000 个强大、深沉和飙升的颗粒声音和大约 4GB 的权重。它由一个自定义颗粒引擎提供支持,可以播放数百个小颗粒音频,而不会对 CPU 造成巨大影响。 AQUIVER 是电影配乐、下划线和未来声音设计的理想选择。它具有旋钮运动的实时记录、具有基本效果的 FX 引擎和独特的锁定开关。使用它,您可以在锁定当前设置的同时跳过仪器。非常适合在不丢失当前旋钮和/或效果设置的情况下尝试不同的声音。添加了一个带有运动记录的新音量旋钮,并且现在可以在乒乓(向前/向后)模式下播放运动记录以实现更平滑的过渡。
AQUIVER now delivers 1000 powerful, deep and soaring granular sounds and weights around 4GB. It is powered by a custom granular engine that can play hundreds of small grains of audio with no huge CPU impact. AQUIVER is ideal for movie scoring, underscore and futuristic sound design. It features realtime recording of knob movements, a FX engine with bread-and-butter effects and a unique lock switch. Using that, you can skip through instruments while locking the current settings in place. Perfect for trying out different sounds without loosing current knob and/or effect settings. A new volume knob with motion recording has been added as well as the possibility to now play back motion recordings in ping-pong (forward/backward) mode for smoother transitions.
