这是您将听到的最独特的打击乐库之一。我们对您能想象到的几乎所有缝纫物品都进行了采样——从缝纫机和织针到纽扣、布料和剪刀,有斜度的和不斜度的。将它们作为单曲或自定义琶音播放。缝纫机是同步的。 SEW WHAT 是单发音高和非音高打击乐的组合,可选择内置琶音器和效果器。
Here is one of the most unique percussion libraries you’ll hear. We sampled nearly every sewing item you can imagine – pitched and non-pitched, from sewing machines and knitting needles to buttons, cloth, and scissors. Play them as single shots or custom defined arpeggiations. The sewing machines are tempo-synched. SEW WHAT is a combo of single shot pitched and non-pitched percussion with the option of a built-in arppegiator and effects rack.