我们很高兴能为您带来儿童合唱团的新标杆。 Genesis Choir 建立在我们新的管弦乐引擎之上,是一个精英的 64 人多合奏(4 个部分)儿童合唱团,就像在 1 中拥有 4 个合唱团:16 个女高音女孩、16 个女高音女孩、16 个女高音男孩和 16 个女高音男孩。
We are very excited to bring you a new benchmark in children’s choirs. Built on our new orchestral engine, the Genesis Choir is an elite 64 piece multi-ensemble (4 part divisi) children’s choir that is like having 4 choirs in 1: 16 Soprano Girls, 16 Alto Girls, 16 Soprano Boys and 16 Alto Boys.