Ensoniq 由 Commodore 的一些工程师于 80 年代初创立。 Ensoniq 的第一款产品是一款软件鼓机,针对的是家用电脑市场。 Ensoniq 的联合创始人之一,负责设计 Commodore 64 的三声部合成器芯片。 1982 年,他设计了 PC 的一部分,类似于最终用于 Amiga 的声音合成器。正是这种芯片,即“Q 芯片”,被用于世界上第一款经济实惠的采样器 Mirage 和 Ensoniq 的波表合成器 ESQ-1。后来出现了 MR 和 ZR 工作站。 Ensoniq MRKontakt 库包含在键盘和机架硬件中流行的 Urban Dance 和 Real World 声音集。世界民族和城市街头声音的混合非常独特。
Ensoniq was founded in the early ’80s by some engineers from Commodore. Ensoniq’s first product, a software drum machine, was aimed at the home computer market. One of Ensoniq’s co founders, was responsible for designing the Commodore 64’s three-voice synth chip. In 1982 he designed a portion of a PC that was similar to the sound synthesizer that ended up in the Amiga. It was this chip, the ‘Q chip’, that was used in the Mirage, the world’s first affordable sampler and the ESQ-1, Ensoniq’s wavetable synthesizer. Later came the MR and ZR workstations. The Ensoniq MRKontakt library contains the Urban Dance and Real World sound sets that were popular in both the keyboard and rack hardware. The mixture of world ethnic and urban street sounds is very unique.