环境声音特效音源 Dark Depths KONTAKT

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Glass Beach 位于加利福尼亚州旧金山市外约 150 英里处,是一个前垃圾场的遗迹。几十年来,市民们将 […]



Glass Beach 位于加利福尼亚州旧金山市外约 150 英里处,是一个前垃圾场的遗迹。几十年来,市民们将他们的家庭和工业垃圾带到海里,倾倒在海浪上方高耸的垃圾堆中。我们采访了一位终生居民,他告诉我们,在“垃圾场”最终于 1967 年关闭之前,这些垃圾堆长到了 30 多英尺高。经过多次清理工作,所有垃圾都被清除了,除了成吨的碎玻璃碎片太小,太远,无法清除。现在可以在沿海滩的 MacKerricher 州立公园找到它,旁边是一座废弃的旧锯木厂。
Glass Beach, about 150 miles outside San Francisco, CA, is all that’s left of a former garbage dump. For decades, the townspeople brought their household and industrial trash to the sea, dumping into towering piles rising above the surf. We spoke to a lifelong resident, who told us the heaps grew to over 30 feet high, before “The Dumps” were finally shut down in 1967. After numerous clean-up efforts, all of the refuse was removed, save for the tons of broken glass shards that were too small and far to plentiful to remove. It can now be found in MacKerricher State Park, running along the beach, by an old abandoned saw mill complex.
