狡猾的多arp工作站系列中的第二个。一个充满多节奏可能性的光荣肮脏的游乐场,对意想不到的文物和偶然事件采取开放政策。 INFUNDIBULUM#2 – 将她姐姐的多节奏级联声音、奇怪的联锁颤音和美丽的扭曲循环带入更大更大胆的领域——非常适合有机和华丽的伪管弦乐队、摇摆不定的灰尘垫、肌肉发达的迈克尔尼曼昏厥和史诗般的推力电影。
The second in the devious series of multi-arp workstations. A gloriously grimey playground of poly rhythmical possibilities with an open door policy for unexpected artifacts and happenstance. INFUNDIBULUM#2 – takes the polyrhythmic cascades of sound, strange interlocking tremolos and beautiful warped loopings of her big sister into bigger bolder territories – great for organic and gorgeous pseudo orchestras, wibbly wobbly dust pads, muscular Michael Nyman swoon and epic thrusting cinematica.