北方人是一个低声男合唱团,涵盖了“维京人”的所有事物。它具有在洛杉矶传奇的 MGM Scoring Stage 录制的各种氛围、氛围、无人机、打击垫、连奏、文字构建和纹理补丁。随着“剑与凉鞋/龙”流派继续在全球电视、电子游戏和电影中占据主导地位,作曲家必须不断配备适当的彩色样本来为这些场景配乐。
Men of the North is a low-voiced male choir that covers all things “Vikings.” It features a wide collection of ambience, atmosphere, drone, pad, legato, word-building and texture patches recorded at the legendary MGM Scoring Stage in Los Angeles. As the “swords and sandals / dragon” genre continues to dominate globally in television, video games, and film, composers must be continually armed with the appropriate colored samples to score these scenes.