本质上,Vertigo Glass & Iron 是 17 种精心挑选的玻璃和金属关节以及其他声音的混合物,可以自由混合,直观轻松地实现您的创意愿景。整体声音的特点是温暖而原始的合奏,具有独特的有机风味。我们录制了几个具有不同发音的声源,以提供独特而鼓舞人心的有机声音。所有这些声音都可以单独混合、调谐和平移。 Vertigo Glass & Iron 带有 14 个预设,可提供即时可演奏的合奏。这些方面共同构成了 Vertigo Glass & Iron 优美、丰富和有机的声音。
Essentially Vertigo Glass & Iron is a melange of 17 meticulously selected glass & metal articulations and additional sounds which can be mixed freely to fulfill your creative vision intuitively and easily. The overall sound is characterized by a warm and raw ensemble with a unique, organic flavor. We recorded several sound sources with varying articulations to deliver unique and inspiring organic sounds. All those sounds can be mixed, tuned and panned individually. Vertigo Glass & Iron comes with 14 presets to rovide instantly playable ensembles. These aspects come together to form the beautiful, rich and organic sound of Vertigo Glass & Iron.