Ethera Soundscapes 2.0 由三种乐器合二为一:首先,有一个崇高的声乐库,包含男声和女声,它基于广受好评的 Ethera Vocal 库,其中的短语和音素倾向于电影。第二个图书馆是一个带有补丁的大气氛围集合,可以唤起从日常体验到令人震惊的恐怖和宏伟之美的任何事物。最后,还有大量专门为音轨创意设计的定制合成器乐器。有铅、垫、琶音等等,所有这些都有一个定制的界面,允许用户自定义或创建全新的声音。甚至还有一个琶音器和 FX 机架。
Ethera Soundscapes 2.0 consists of three instruments in one: First, there is a sublime vocal library with both a male and female voice which is based on the critically acclaimed Ethera Vocal library with the phrases and phonemes inclined toward the cinematic. The second library is an atmospheric ambience collection with patches that can evoke anything from everyday experiences to shocking horror and grandiose beauty. Lastly, there is a massive bank of custom made synth instruments designed specifically for the soundtrack creative. There are leads, pads, arps and much more all with a bespoke interface that allows the user to customise or to create brand new sounds. There is even an arpeggiator and FX rack.