BARITONE GUITAR WASHES 是一款多功能的 Kontakt 乐器,它基于带有铝琴颈的定制手工制作的男中音电吉他的采样录音。该乐器的深度共鸣和令人难以置信的延音使其非常适合设计长打击垫和其他环境声音。 BARITONE GUITAR WASHES 基于我们专有的 Kontakt 引擎 (WASHES),它结合了三层声音——Body、Grit 和 Air,每层都有特定的功能和声音特征。
BARITONE GUITAR WASHES is a versatile Kontakt instrument based on sampled recordings of a custom-made hand-built baritone electric guitar with an aluminium neck. The deep resonance and incredible sustain of the instrument make it perfectly suited to designing long pads and other ambient sounds. BARITONE GUITAR WASHES is based on our proprietary Kontakt engine (WASHES) that incorporates three layers of sound – Body, Grit and Air, each with a specific function and sound characteristics.