Clavia NORD WAVE NKI 是最强大的模拟合成器 NORD WAVE 的音色库。这里包括所有来自 NKI 硬件模型的 NORD WAVE 预设(Bank01、Bank02、Bank03、Bank04、Bank05、Bank06、Bank07 和 USER BANK),它们来自他们最流行的硬件模型 NORD WAVE。给定的库允许您在计算机上使用此合成器的声音。发布年份:2011 / 兼容性:PC OS Windows 和 Mac OS。软件要求:Kontakt 4.1 及更高版本。格式和质量:Kontakt Instrument NKI /stereo/48.000Hz; 24 位 / 高品质声音
Clavia NORD WAVE NKI is a library of sounds of the most powerful analog synth NORD WAVE . Here are included ALL presets NORD WAVE in format NKI (Bank01, Bank02, Bank03, Bank04, Bank05, Bank06, Bank07 and USER BANK ) from hardware model NORD WAVE their most popular workstations. The given library allows to have sounds of this synth at you on a computer. Year of release: 2011 / Compatibility: PC OS Windows & Mac OS. Software requirements: Kontakt 4.1 and high versions. Format & Quality: Kontakt Instrument NKI /stereo/48.000Hz; 24 Bit / High Quality sounds