在 HS Towers,Hammond Novachord 令人难以忘怀的声音一直吸引着我们。它由一百多个阀门、数千个电容器和数英里的手工缝制布线机制成,建于 1939 年,比它的时代提前了几十年……世界上第一台和弦合成器,装在一个漂亮的樱桃木箱体中……它自己的。它的“它是不是一个器官……那它是什么?”声音及其令人毛骨悚然的音调为许多老电影增光添彩,效果非常好一个“精简”版本,以便其他人可以享受这种独特的声音。
The haunting sounds of the Hammond Novachord have always intrigued us here at HS Towers. Made from over a hundred valves, thousands of capacitors and miles of hand sewn wiring looms and built in 1939, it was several decades ahead of its time … the world’s first polyphonic synthesiser housed in a beautiful, cherrywood cabinet… And it had a sound all its own. Its ‘Is it an organ or not … so what is it?” sounds and its creepy tones have graced many an old movie to great effect and indeed, our own Novachord library has been used in many productions including the award winning ‘Alan Wake’ game scored by Petri Alanko so we thought it might be nice if we did a ‘lite’ version so that others can enjoy this unique sound.