多轨合成器 The Azimuth Generator KONTAKT

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Azimuth Generator 背后的概念是成为灵感的源泉,并希望能带您到音乐之旅中未被发现的地方。它分为 […]



Azimuth Generator 背后的概念是成为灵感的源泉,并希望能带您到音乐之旅中未被发现的地方。它分为 3 个主要部分 – 低音、中段和上高段,F#1 音符上有白色/粉红色噪声样本。您可以从 150 多个包含的补丁预设中创建自定义的多合成器,同时控制多个不同的合成器源和序列。下载中有超过 25 个多音色,但也可以通过构建您自己的自定义多合成器来找到灵感。 大多数采样的声音都被录制到老式阀门设备上的磁带上。 “方位角”这个词是指磁带头的角度,在许多情况下,它被调整以获得额外的刺耳声音(用于更极端的中上频率范围和滤波时的咬合)。  138MB 包包含来自不同模拟合成器的 7 组样本,包括 2 种“嗡嗡声”锯齿波、2 个常规锯、一组来自 Logandy 弦乐合成器集合、一个白/粉红噪声混合和一个非常强大的修改方波来自 1950 年代电子管信号发生器的低音部分。
The concept behind the Azimuth Generator is to be a source of inspiration, and hopefully take you to undiscovered places on your musical journey. It’s split into 3 main parts – bass, mid-section and upper high-section, with white/pink noise samples on the F#1 note. You can create customised multi-synths from over 150 included patch presets, giving control over several different synth sources and sequences at the same time. There are over 25 multi patches in the download, but inspiration can also be found by building your own custom multi-synths.  Most of the sampled sounds were recorded to tape on vintage valve equipment; the word ‘azimuth’ refers to the angle of the tapeheads, which in many cases was adjusted to achieve an extra rasping sound (for a more extreme upper-mid frequency range and bite when filtering).  The 138MB pack comprises of 7 sets of samples from different analogue synths, including 2 varieties of ‘buzz’ sawtooth waves, 2 regular saws, a set from the Logandy string synth collection, a white/pink noise hybrid and a very powerful modified square wave bass section from a 1950s valve signal generator.
