虚拟小提琴独奏音源 Stradivari Solo Violin 2.0 KONTAKT

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Stradivari Solo Violin 2.0 是由意大利团队与 Garritan 合作开发的获奖虚拟小 […]



Stradivari Solo Violin 2.0 是由意大利团队与 Garritan 合作开发的获奖虚拟小提琴独奏软件的最新版本。 Stradivari Solo Violin 2.0 集成了 Native Instrument Kontakt 采样播放器。其他新功能包括带有“抒情”乐器的新样本,除了“经典”乐器外,还有更饱满、更甜美和更具戏剧性的音色,因此有两种小提琴乐器可供选择。随着 CPU 需求的降低,性能和稳定性得到了提高。在这个新版本中有改进的连奏和音符过渡、新的弓形变化功能、延音拨弦和其他功能。 Stradivari Solo Violin 2.0 是虚拟乐器的技术突破,改变了采样规则。它是一种真正的乐器,旨在实时、富有表现力地演奏。该乐器允许用户实时播放具有表现力和可信度的优美声音,可以作为音乐实时播放和表演,而不是像拼图游戏那样拼凑或事后调整。 Stradivari 是品质的代名词。
Stradivari Solo Violin 2.0 is the latest version of the award winning virtual solo violin software created by an Italian team in collaboration with Garritan. Stradivari Solo Violin 2.0 integrates the Native Instrument Kontakt sample player. Other new features include new samples with a “Lyrical” instrument, for a fuller, sweeter and more dramatic tone, in addition to a “Classic” instrument, so there are two violin instruments to choose from. Performance and stability are improved with reduced CPU demands. There is improved legato and note transitions, new bow change features, sustain pizzicato and other features in this new version. The Stradivari Solo Violin 2.0 is a technological breakthrough in virtual instrumentation and changes the rules of sampling. It’s a true musical instrument designed to be played expressively, in real time. This instrument allows the user to play beautifully expressive and believable sound that can be PLAYED and PERFORMED as music, in real-time, rather than put together like a jigsaw puzzle or tweaked after the fact. Stradivari is a name synonymous with quality.
