梦境弦乐采样 Dreamcatcher KONTAKT

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Dreamcatcher 是完整版 Kontakt 6.5.1+ 的 celeste 库(不适用于免费的 Ko […]



Dreamcatcher 是完整版 Kontakt 6.5.1+ 的 celeste 库(不适用于免费的 Kontakt 播放器)从 5 个八度的 Schiedmayer celeste 采样,Dreamcatcher 是一种具有 3 个麦克风位置、4 个循环和 4 个动态层的乐器。我想创造一种具有优美而丰富的声音和选项的乐器,以创造一种在管弦乐和非管弦乐作品中都适用的美妙声音和氛围。为此,可以使用 5 种效果和一个反向选项来调整和增强声音。您可以简单地添加一点混响或延迟来营造一点氛围,或者使用一些新的 Kontakt 6 效果(例如 Phasis、Choral 和 Flair)完全改变声音。 30 个快照已添加到主要的 celeste 乐器中,其设置可让您开始使用不同的麦克风位置以及使用包含的 FX 创建的环境集合。还包括 16 个单独的垫 + 音景乐器,声音从美丽的大气到神秘和难以忘怀。
Dreamcatcher is a celeste library for the full version of Kontakt 6.5.1+ (does NOT work on the free Kontakt Player) Sampled from a 5 octave Schiedmayer celeste, Dreamcatcher is an instrument with 3 microphone positions, 4 round robins and 4 dynamic layers. I wanted to create an instrument with a beautiful and rich sound and options to create a beautiful sound and ambience that works good in both orchestral and non orchestral productions. To achieve this, 5 effects and a reverse option are available to tweak and enhance the sound. You can simply add a touch of reverb or delay for a little ambience or completely transform the sound with some of the new Kontakt 6 effects such as Phasis, Choral and Flair. 30 Snapshots have been added to the main celeste instrument with settings to get you started with the different microphone positions and as well a collection of ambiences created with the included FX. Also included there are 16 seperate pads + soundscape instruments with sounds ranging from beautiful atmospheric to mysterious and haunting.
