原声萨克斯音源 Saxophone Explorations v1.0

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Saxophone Explorations 是 Kontakt Player 的独特示例库。具有抽象和随意的 […]



Saxophone Explorations 是 Kontakt Player 的独特示例库。具有抽象和随意的萨克斯风纹理与定制的模块化效果装置相结合的崇高、不断发展和强烈。该音色库旨在填补虚拟乐器市场的空白,具有令人惊叹且优美的黑暗声音,非常适合捕捉 Colin Stetson、Bobby Krlic 和 Mica Levi 等人在乐谱中听到的现代电影声音世界。我们的自定义用户界面经过精心设计,既直观又鼓舞人心,允许您使用滤波器、混响、失真等来扭曲和塑造声音。
Saxophone Explorations is a unique sample library for Kontakt Player. Featuring abstract and aleatoric saxophone textures combined with a custom modular effects rig sublime, evolving and intense. Designed to fill a gap in the virtual instrument market, this library has a wonderfully compelling and beautifully dark sound which is perfect for capturing a modern cinematic sound world which can be heard in scores by the likes of Colin Stetson, Bobby Krlic and Mica Levi. Our custom user interface was carefully designed to be both intuitive and inspiring, allowing you to warp and shape your sound with filters, reverbs, distortion and much more.
