Zodiac 是一种独特的声音虚拟乐器,旨在为作曲家和制作人提供一系列适合电影或电视配乐、视频游戏以及所有类型的环境音乐和实验音乐的原创声音和乐器。 Zodiac 中没有使用合成器来创建乐器。取而代之的是,所有乐器都是从有机来源创建的,例如发现的声音、受经典 Musique Concrete、实验和前卫音乐作品启发的声音处理、准备或经过大量处理的乐器以及经过极端声音设计技术的录音。
Zodiac is a unique-sounding Virtual Instrument designed to provide composers and producers with a collection of original sounds and instruments suitable for film or TV scores, video games, and all types of ambient and experimental music. No synthesizers were used to create the instruments in Zodiac. Instead, all instruments were created from organic sources such as found sounds, sonic manipulations inspired by classic Musique Concrete, Experimental and Avant Garde Music compositions, prepared or heavily processed musical instruments, and audio recordings subjected to extreme sound design techniques.