小托尼的鼓组音源 Tony Royster Jr KONTAKT

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无边无际需要真正的神童。精确度、手感和力量等标签往往是相互矛盾的,但它们都描述了小托尼·罗伊斯特 (Tony […]



无边无际需要真正的神童。精确度、手感和力量等标签往往是相互矛盾的,但它们都描述了小托尼·罗伊斯特 (Tony Royster Jr) 的偶像。从小时候赢得鼓比赛到成为世界上一些最大艺术家的骨干,一生的经验和实验开发了他的标志性声音。我们的任务是将如此庞大的技能组合变成一种虚拟乐器,我们的目标是让它呼吸并感觉自然;技巧、开阔的声音和集中的音调已经成为这个库的焦点,真正体现了托尼作为一名演奏者的身份。
It takes a true prodigy to be boundless. Labels like precision, feel, and power are often contradictory, but all of them describe the icon that is Tony Royster Jr. From winning drum competitions as a child to becoming the backbone of some of the world’s largest artists, a lifetime of experience and experimentation has developed his signature sound. Tasked with turning such a vast skillset into a virtual instrument, we aimed for it to breathe and feel natural; finesse, wide-open sounds and focused tones have become the focal point of this library, and truly does justice to who Tony is as a player.
