Hang手碟乐器音源 THang Drum KONTAKT

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<em>吊鼓:异国情调、独特、深奥、彻头彻尾的怪异和古怪,将我们带到了我们最新的迷恋中,吊鼓。 & […]



<em>吊鼓:异国情调、独特、深奥、彻头彻尾的怪异和古怪,将我们带到了我们最新的迷恋中,吊鼓。 </em>你可能没有听说过 Hang – 它是一种相对较新的乐器,而且很难掌握。它们由 PANArt 于 2000 年首次发明,由两个非常敬业的人 Felix 和 Sabina 在瑞士手工打造。如果你想要一个,你必须问他们是否会为你建造一个。如果他们同意,那么您可能需要等待长达 2 年。 2.4 GB 库包括 Mk.1 + Mk。 2 个悬挂鼓模型 每个鼓悬挂干扰器超过 1000 个 24 位立体声 44.1 样本 – KSP 随机模式生成器 多关节多达 21 个力度层。吊鼓是用手演奏的。每个玩过的人都会有点爱上它。它非常敏感和充满活力——听起来纯净而真实。这听起来像魔术。当您的手在边缘移动以梳理音符时,整个圆盘会以中心频率共振。
The Hang Drum: The exotic, the unique, the esoteric, and the downright weird and quirky, brings us to our latest obsession, the Hang Drum. You may not have heard of the Hang – it’s a relatively new instrument and it’s extremely hard to get hold of one. First invented in the year 2000 by PANArt, they are hand-built in Switzerland by two very dedicated people, Felix and Sabina. If you want one, you must ask them if they will build you one. If they agree, then you may have to wait up to 2 years. 2.4 GB Library Includes both Mk.1 + Mk. 2 Hang Drum Models Over 1000 24 bit Stereo 44.1 Samples per Drum Hang Jammer – KSP Random Pattern Generator Multiple Articulations Up to 21 Velocity Layers. The Hang Drum is played with the hands. Everyone who gets to play one falls in love with it a little bit. It’s incredibly sensitive and dynamic – it rings pure and true. It sounds like magic. The entire disc resonates at a central frequency as your hands move around the edge teasing the notes out.
