ETHERA 的新版本,我们备受喜爱的电影声乐乐器,包括一个 GIGABYTE 全新的人声样本,以及许多新功能和改进!向下滚动查看所有新功能的列表。 <b>ETHERA</b> 是一款令人惊叹的电影人声乐器**,它结合了令人惊叹的人声样本、令人难以置信的简单性和高度的可玩性,所有这些都融入了一个美丽的 Kontakt 界面,完全易于使用和终极的声音处理。
The NEW version of ETHERA, our much-loved Cinematic Vocal Instrument, includes a GIGABYTE of entirely new vocal samples, and numerous new features and improvements! Scroll down for a list of all the new features. ETHERA is a stunning cinematic vocal instrument** that combines amazing vocal samples, incredible simplicity and a high degree of playability all packed into a beautiful Kontakt interface for total ease-of use and ultimate sound manipulation.