城市氛围音源 Embryos KONTAKT

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用于 Kontakt 5 的 Embryos 是一个独特的城市现场录音和有机进化纹理的集合。色调纹理与现场录音 […]



用于 Kontakt 5 的 Embryos 是一个独特的城市现场录音和有机进化纹理的集合。色调纹理与现场录音相融合,如地下大厅、停车场、巨大的购物中心、废弃场地、经过的汽车、空调设备、雨水等等……每一个补丁都是即时的氛围构建器,是新曲目的完美开始:“胚胎”会给你很多启发。我们添加了一堆复杂但具有音乐性和可玩性的纹理,以两种形式呈现:脉动和宽敞。所有现场录音都在“仪器”文件夹中。 “Pulse & Atmo”中的所有纹理(此处必须使用 MOD WHEEL……)然后您会找到“Multis”文件夹,它结合了上述两个类别,提供了“Embryos”的最佳音景。
Embryos for Kontakt 5 is a unique collection of urban field recordings and organic evolving textures. Tonal textures blended with field recordings like underground halls, parking places, huge shopping centers, abandoned sites, cars passing by, air conditioned devices, rain and more… Every patch is an instant atmosphere builder, the perfect start for a new track: “Embryos” will give you a lot of inspiration. We added a bunch of complex, yet musical and playable textures, presented in two forms: pulsing and spacious. All field recordings are in the “Instruments” folder. All textures in the “Pulse & Atmo” (must use the MOD WHEEL here…) You’ll then find the “Multis” folder, which combines the two categories above, that delivers the best soundscapes of “Embryos”.
