我们的 Kazoo 图书馆是由我们世界一流的 Kazoo 合奏创建的,其中包含一些最好的手工制作的蜡纸和塑料管乐器,这些乐器可以用金钱买到。高贵的 Kazoo 被公认为可能是人类乐器工程的巅峰之作,其声音因其高贵的威严而闻名。我们聚集了四位世界上最优秀的卡祖笛演奏家来捕捉这个强大的合奏系列。这个出色的样本集是在我们的私人工作室录制的,使用一对宽大的立体声 Neumann 麦克风来实现出色的音调和保真度。
Our Kazoo library was created with our world-class kazoo ensemble, featuring some of the finest hand-crafted wax paper and plastic wind instruments that money can buy. The noble Kazoo is recognized as perhaps the very pinnacle of human musical instrument engineering, with a sound just as renowned for its subtlety as it is for its noble majesty. We gathered together four of the finest kazoo virtuosos in the world to capture this power ensemble collection. This brilliant sample set was recorded in our private studios, using a wide stereo pair of large diaphragm Neumann microphones to achieve brilliant tone and fidelity.