<b>“Main Room Tech-House Vol 2”是一个 Tech-House 样本包,基于五个构建工具包,包括 WAV 和 MIDI 资产。</b> 从 Jacking 到 Tribal,这个包描绘了当今 Tech-House 的现状通过大量的 Tribal 训练、厚实的鼓循环、强劲的贝斯线、怪异的合成器、强大的底鼓、清脆的军鼓、打击乐和流畅的踩镲来增强您的节拍。在每个带有按键标签的套件中,您会发现所有内容都整齐地排列成单独的循环,可以拖放到您选择的 DAW 中。从那里,您可以通过编辑循环和 MIDI 文件来尽可能深入,以创建自己独特的作品。
‘Main Room Tech-House Vol 2’ is a Tech-House sample pack based on five Construction Kits including WAV and MIDI assets. From Jacking to Tribal, this pack charts the current landscape of today’s Tech-House with massive Tribal workouts, chunky drum loops, beefy basslines, freaky synths, powerful kicks, crisp snares, percussion hits and slick hi-hats to bolster your beats. Inside each key labelled kit you will find all content neatly arranged into individual loops ready to drag and drop into your chosen DAW. From there, you can go as deep as you like by editing the loops and MIDI files in order to create your own unique compositions.