Gera Gerc 是乌克兰艺术家、说唱歌手、乌克兰嘻哈界的杰出代表、Artist Rescue Production Crew 的成员和 Nokturn 的频繁合作者。我们决定加入我们的力量,为您提供 50 种全新和原创的声音样本、尖叫声、人声效果、咕噜声、即兴表演等等。享受!
Gera Gerc is a Ukrainian artist, rapper, a prominent representative of Ukrainian hip-hop scene, a member of Artist Rescue Production Crew and Nokturn’s frequent collaborator. We decided to join our forces to give you a fresh portion of 50 new and original vocal samples, screams, vocal effects, grunts, ad-libs and many more. Enjoy!