Cinematic Vocals 包含 60 个女高音、男高音和 20 个元素的合唱样本。这些声音已在工作室和大型剧院录制,可用于从电影预告片和配乐到嘻哈、陷阱和其他电子音乐流派的各种制作。该系列由意大利电影音频内容公司的领导者 SampleTraxx 策划。
Cinematic Vocals features 60 Vocal samples of soprano, tenor and a choir of 20 elements. The sounds have been recorded in the studio and a large theatre and can be used on a wide variety of productions from movie trailer and soundtrack to hip-hop, trap and other electronic music genres. The collection is curated by SampleTraxx, an Italian company leader in cinematic audio content.