<b>音乐是一个实验室,一个游乐场——是时候让你彻底改变了!</b> 有机的声音、有力的鼓声、强劲的 808、一丝不完美和一丝忧郁,你拥有强大的关键陷阱节拍。 “Ritual”突破了现代音乐的界限并受到古典音乐深度的启发,将有机声音与强大的制作技术相结合,提供了这个独特的样本包。介于 Trap 和 Hip Hop 之间,该库包含超过 550MB 的 WAV 文件,其中包含各种音乐样本和充满灵感的材料可供演奏。
Music is a laboratory, a playground – it’s time for you to shake things up! Organic sounds, punchy drums, strong 808, a touch of imperfection and a pinch of melancholy, you have the keys to a strong trap beat. Pushing the boundaries of modern music and inspired by the classical music depth, “Ritual” combines organic sounds with powerful production techniques to deliver this unique samples pack. Halfway between Trap and Hip Hop, the library contains over 550MB of WAV files with a wide variety of musical samples and full of inspirational material to play with.