民族圈套圈第 2 卷 免版税圈套圈。全部下载!这是 Ethnic Trap Loops(亚洲风格)的第 2 卷。使用这些旋律来创作民族陷阱香肠!您可以访问掌握的 2 个音轨文件以及每个乐曲的湿/干茎。声音包括:弦乐、长笛(芦苇乐器)、拨弦等适用于所有流行的 Daws:Fl Studio、Logic X、Ableton Live Studio One、Pro Tools
Ethnic Trap Loops Vol 2 Royalty Free Trap Loops. Download them ALL! This is Vol 2 of Ethnic Trap Loops (Asian inspired). Use these Melodies to create Ethnic Trap Bangers! You have access to mastered 2 track files as well as wet/dry stems of each composition. Sounds included: Strings, Flutes (Reed Instruments), Plucks and more Works in all Popular Daws: Fl Studio, Logic X, Ableton Live Studio One, Pro Tools