“Chill Trap & Future Soul”——创造感性、情感和动感音乐的完美秘诀。这个 100% 免版税的样品包充满了优秀的成分,让您从聆听各个片段、谈论如何制作新的富有表现力的声音调色板中获得极大的乐趣。温暖柔和的有机旋律、轻柔的放克吉他、柔滑的钢琴和弦、深情的鼓声和美妙的人声——所有的一切都被收集起来,为您注入新的灵感。这里的每一个声音都使用专业的制作技术精心录制,以确保您拥有最高品质的灵魂驱动声波!这个库的 BPM 范围从 85 到 150,适用于 Trap、RnB、Soul、Future Soul、Hip Hop 和 Downtempo 流派。所有音乐内容都带有键标记,因此可以轻松组合到您的 DAW 中。具体来说,预计会找到 435MB 的 WAV 24 位样本,包括 75 个鼓点、65 个人声、50 个音乐循环、15 个贝斯和合成器打击、10 个鼓循环、10 个帽子循环、10 个振动器循环。 “Chill Trap & Future Soul”模糊了有机声音和数字声音之间的界限,呈现出一个独特的组合,这对任何制作人来说无疑都是无价之宝。
“Chill Trap & Future Soul” – perfect recipe for creating sensual, emotive and dynamic music. Filled with excellent ingredients, this 100% Royalty-Free sample pack will give you great pleasure from listening to individual fragments, what to speak about making new expressive sound palette. Warm and soft organic melodies, gentle funk guitars, silky piano chords, soulful drums and great vocals – everything inside is collected to fill you with new inspiration. Each sound here has been lovingly recorded using professional production techniques to ensure you have the highest quality soul-driven sonics at your disposal! This library has BPM range from 85 to 150 suitable for Trap, RnB, Soul, Future Soul, Hip Hop and Downtempo genres. All musical content is key-labelled, making it easy to fit together in your DAW. In detail, expect to find 435MB of WAV 24 Bit samples including 75 Drum Hits, 65 Vocals, 50 Music Loops, 15 Bass & Synth Hits, 10 Drum Loops, 10 Hat Loops, 10 Shaker Loops. “Chill Trap & Future Soul” blurs the lines between organic and digital sonics, presenting a unique package that will no doubt be invaluable to any producers arsenal.