Beathoven WAV MiDi

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“Beathoven”是一个轰轰烈烈的 Trap 声音包,为您带来 34 个 WAV 循环和 31 个 MID […]



“Beathoven”是一个轰轰烈烈的 Trap 声音包,为您带来 34 个 WAV 循环和 31 个 MIDI 文件,这些文件被分组到五个构建套件中,为您的制作技能做好准备。这个样本包包括敲击鼓、808、富有感染力的钢琴、合成器和朗朗上口的旋律。如果您正在寻找可以将您的音乐制作提升到一个新的水平、带来灵感并提供新鲜声音的 Construction Kit 包,那么这个包是您图书馆的宝贵资产。
‘Beathoven’ is a banger Trap sound pack bringing you 34 WAV loops & 31 MIDI files grouped into five Construction Kits ready for your production skills. This sample pack includes banging drums, 808s, infectious pianos, synths and catchy melodies. If you’re looking for a Construction Kit pack that will take your music production to the next level, bring inspiration, and provide fresh sounds, then this pack is a valuable asset to your library.
