想象一下,这是 1994 年的平安夜,妈妈刚把一些披萨百吉饼放在烤箱里,而你的表弟戴维正在向他的新游戏的墨盒吹气以使其正常工作。突然你听到它,强烈明亮和超未来主义的合成器声音,直到现在世界从未听过。 8 位 arp 声音与单声道滑音引线和膨胀垫一起演奏,让您沉浸在一个全新的宇宙中。 Aquatic Ambience – Cartridge Trap Melodies 是一个样本包,灵感来自电子游戏的黄金时代,专为现代陷阱音乐和嘻哈制作而设计。在里面,你会发现 201 个完整的旋律堆栈循环可以被切碎、翻转、重新混合或简单地拖放到你的节拍中,以添加即时复古和视频游戏灵感的感觉。如果您希望通过其他世俗的电子陷阱旋律将您的听众传送到另一个现实,那么这就是您的理想选择!
Picture this, it’s Christmas Eve 1994, mom just put some pizza bagels in the oven and your cousin Davey is blowing into the cartridge of his new game to get it to work. Suddenly you hear it, intense bright and hyper futuristic synth sounds that up until this point the world had never heard before. 8 bit arp sounds play together with monophonic gliding leads and swelling pads to immerse you in a whole new universe. Aquatic Ambience – Cartridge Trap Melodies is a sample pack inspired by the golden age of video games and created for use in your modern trap music and hip hop productions. Inside you will find 201 full melodic stack loops ready to be chopped, flipped, remixed or simply drag and dropped into your beat to add an instant vintage and video game inspired feel. If you are looking to transport your listeners to an alternate reality with other worldly electronic trap melodies this is the pack for you!